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Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. 100115 Annex 1 paper 5.xls No CC Area Issue Type Issue Details Source No. Priority Status CP 1 Aviemore Private estate Obstruction Gate-locked Rec 1 Lower Live N 2 N Aviemore Private estate Obstruction locked gate, fence and ditch Rec 1 Lower Live N 3 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate-locked Rec 1 Lower Live N 4 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Turnstile gates Rec 1 Higher Live 5 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 2 Higher Live N 6 Ballater Private estate Information Sign - dogs on leads Rec 1 Lower Live N 7 N Ballater Public body Information No signs idicating safe crossing Rec 1 Higher Live 8 N Ballater Private Estate Obstruction Electric fence and sign Rec 1 Higher Live N 9 Ballater Private estate Groups Refusal for DoE camping Rec 1 Lower Live n/a 10 Braemar Private estate Groups Irresponsible beahviour by public Land 2 Higher Live N 11 Braemar Private estate Obstruction Stiles Rec 1 Lower Live N 12 Braemar Private estate Behaviour Camping - roadside Land 2 Lower Live 13 Dalwhinnie Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 1 Higher Live N 14 Dalwhinnie Private estate Obstruction Gate - inaccesible Rec 1 Lower Live N 15 Donside Private estate Information Sign- stalking Rec 1 Lower Live N 16 Donside Private estate Information Sign - no unauthorised access Rec 1 Lower Live 17 Donside Private estate Obstruction Double electric fence Official 2 Lower Live N 18 Donside Private estate Information Sign - shooting Rec 1 Lower Live N 19 Glen Esk Public body Information Interpretation - non compliant Rec 1 Lower Live 20 Grantown Private estate Information Sign - dogs on leads Rec 1 Lower Live N 21 Grantown Private estate Obstruction Gate- locked Rec 2 Higher Live N 22 Grantown Community trust Behaviour Dogs Land 1 Higher Live 23 N Grantown Private Estate Behavoir Large group - canoeing at night Rec 1 Higher Live Y 24 N Insh Community trust Behavoir Aggressive user challenging horse riders REc 2 Higher Live Y 25 N Kincraig Private estate Obstruction Gate - kissing Rec 2 Higher Live N 26 Kincraig Private estate Obstruction Gates - locked Rec 1 Lower Live N 27 Kincraig Private estate Obstruction Gates - locked Rec 1 Lower Live N 28 Kingussie Private estate Information Sign - danger snakes Rec 2 Lower Live N 29 Kingussie Private estate Obstruction Cattlegrids - impaasable Rec 1 Higher Live 30 Kingussie Private estate Obstruction Cattlegrids - impaasable Rec 1 Higher Live 31 Laggan Crofting Obstruction Fences - crofting land Rec 1 Lower Live N 32 Laggan Private forestry Obstruction Fence - stock Rec 1 Lower Live N 33 Laggan Private Estate Obstruction Fence - stock Rec 1 Lower Live N 34 Laggan Private estate Information Signs - no camping Rec 2 Lower Live N 35 Laggan Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 1 Lower Live N 36 Newtonmore Private estate Information Signs - no camping Rec 1 Higher Live 37 Nethybridge Private estate Obstruction Electric fence Rec 1 Lower Live N 38 Nethybridge Private estate Information Signage - dogs Rec 1 Lower Live N 39 Aviemore Public body Obstruction Obstruction for cyclists Rec 1 Higher Closed 40 Aviemore Public body Information Sign - no cycling Rec 1 Higher Closed PAGE 2 100115 Annex 1 paper 5.xls 41 Aviemore Public body Information Signage - non compliant Rec 1 Lower Closed n/a 42 Aviemore Private business Legal Fence Rec 2 Higher Closed 43 Aviemore Private estate Legal Motorbikes Rec 1 Higher Closed 44 Aviemore Urban Behaviour Horse dung Rec 1 Lower Closed N 45 Ballater Farm Information Sign - stock Rec 1 Lower Closed N 46 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate and stile Rec 1 Lower Closed N 47 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 1 Lower Closed N 48 Ballater Public body Behaviour Horse use Rec 1 Higher Closed 49 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Stile - impassable Rec 7 Higher Closed N 50 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Obstruction - fenced off track Rec 3 Higher Closed N 51 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 2 Higher Closed N 52 Ballater Private estate Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 1 Higher Closed N 53 N Ballater Public body Behavoir Off road vechilies using paths and tracks Rec 1 Higher Closed 54 Boat of Garten House Behaviour Cars Land 1 Lower Closed 55 Carrbridge Not known Obstruction Gate- barbed wire Rec 1 Lower Closed N 56 Carrbridge Private estate Obstruction Gates - locked Rec 4 Higher Closed N 57 Carrbridge Private estate Obstruction Gate - disabled access Rec 1 Lower Closed 58 Cromdale Farm Behaviour Irresponsible behaviour Land 1 Lower closed N 59 Donside Private Estate Obstruction Stile Official 1 Higher Closed N 60 Donside Private estate Obstruction Gate- locked Rec 1 Higher Closed N 61 Donside Private estate Information General advice Land 1 Higher Closed N 62 Glen Clova Private estate Obstruction Fence - electric Rec 1 Lower Closed N 63 Glen Esk Private estate Information Sign - no access Rec 2 Lower closed N 64 Glen Isla Private estate Information Signs - no access Rec 1 Lower Closed N 65 Grantown Private estate Obstruction Gates - kissing Rec 1 Higher Closed 66 Grantown Urban Legal RoW query Rec 1 Higher Closed N 67 Grantown Private Estate Obstruction Gates - locked Rec 4 Higher Closed 68 Grantown Private estate Groups Liability Rec 1 Higher Closed N 69 Grantown Farm Obstruction Gate - locked Rec 1 Lower Closed 70 Grantown Public body Obstruction Gate - narrow Official 1 Higher Closed N 71 Kincraig Private estate Obstruction Stile - cycle Rec 3 Lower closed N 72 Kincraig Commercial premises Obstruction Fence Rec 1 Lower Closed N 73 Nethybridge Public Body Behaviour Cyclists - erosion Land 1 Lower Closed N 74 Nethybridge Charitable body Behaviour Camping and fires Land 1 Higher Closed N 75 Newtonmore Crofting Obstruction Gates - obstruction to horses Rec 1 Higher Closed 76 Newtonmore Urban Obstruction Blocked access Rec 1 Higher Closed N 77 Newtonmore Public body Obstruction Obstruction - horse and carriage Rec 1 Higher Closed